Construction company
Aan de Stegge
Construction company
Aan de Stegge Twello solves commercial housing issues for entrepreneurs. From the moment a building idea germinates, the construction company thinks and works with the entrepreneur to produce the most efficient, future-proof structure to suit his identity and ambition.
Aan de Stegge Twello oversees the whole process, from planning and construction to management and maintenance if needed. Practical and cost-efficient collaboration with the client results in functional, sustainable, affordable, commercial buildings. “We come up with a custom-made package for a specific business process, that also ensures a good working atmosphere, says Managing Director Marco van der Laan.. Aan de Stegge Twello specialises in logistics, the food industry, production, chemicals and parking above ground.
Innovative approach
It incorporates the very latest techniques. ”We work out the project with all parties beforehand using BIM software. This avoids bottlenecks before building begins, so it is simply a question of assembly,” says Van der Laan. “This ensures an efficient building process and short construction time.” Using virtual reality, clients can experience the look and feel of a building before construction begins. “This appeals to the imagination more than a blueprint or technical description.” In addition, integration of the ‘lean’ process keeps the focus on continual improvement.
Sustainable and circular
Aan de Stegge Twello builds sustainably. It has knowledge of sustainable methods, tax benefits and subsidies and can call on experts to advise on green building, net-zero or circular construction and BTEEAM. This results in commercial buildings with an eye to people, surroundings and the environment. In conjunction with Metron Real Estate, it constructed a unique building for DAVO in Deventer, following circular construction guidelines; the building is 80% circular.
Family astmosphere
Employees at Aan de Stegge Twello share an ambition and pride in tackling challenging projects, and approach work with pleasure and passion. “We work continually to improve our processes, and ourselves,” says Financial Director Peter de Vries. “Development and growth come naturally to us. We draw the best out of our people, and our clients can rely on an enthusiastic, flexible, involved team.” Aan de Stegge Twello organises regular activities to enhance work satisfaction and team spirit.
The company has grown considerably in recent years. Between 2016 and 2021 turnover increased from 50 million to 170 million euro and the workforce expanded from 80 to 130. For vacancies, internships and student placements go to