Software development


Software development

All-CRM is a reseller of the CRM system of SuperOffice. Worldwide, there are 250,000 users of this system, developed in Norway. The package includes the traditional elements such as agenda, projects, sales and relationship management. All-CRM installs these packages for Dutch users. Since several years, the company has also been developing complementary software on top of the packages, which are being exported. All-CRM has seven employees.

Own software development What is special is that All-CRM has built new applications for the SuperOffice CRM system with its own software developers. Additional applications are, amongst others, Time Writer (hour registration/work slips administration), MailChimp Interface (e-marketing), CTI connection (telephone service connection) and DataImport (connection back office system). According to director Bert Klomphaar: “Because of our own product development, we have grown from a software implementation company into more of a software developer.”

Cost efficient for the customer The customers of All-CRM are very diverse. The company has the most customers in the automotive sector. The entire vertical chain of importers, tyre plants, lease companies and dealers works with SuperOffice. For lease companies, All-CRM has developed a fully automated trajectory. Bert said: “In the Netherlands, we are very advanced compared to Germany, for example. The lease sector is very competitive. That is why automatization is essential to have reasonable margins. We have automated the entire process from lead generation to contract signing with Digital Signing. This used to often take several days and involved lots of work. That is not necessary anymore. We recently delivered this system to a Belgian customer, who now automatically processes 1,200 leads a month.”

In addition to the Automotive sector, Investment Managers are another vertical chain in which All-CRM is specialised. In collaboration with a renowned bank, speed and profit are being achieved by using process automatization here as well.

SuperOffice App store All-CRM expects to grow even more, paricularly in Scandinavia. SuperOffice is market leader over there. The headquarters in Norway recently launched the SuperOffice App store. All developed software applications by All-CRM are available in this App store for SuperOffice’s 250,000 users worldwide. 35,000 of them already have access to the app store. It is expected that this will have reached 100,000 users by the end of 2018.

For the Scandinavian and German market, a marketing plan is being made in order to achieve significant growths in these countries.

Export Countries

Belgium | Germany | Denmark | Sweden | Norway | Finland | United Kingdom | Switzerland


All CRM | Bert Klomphaar