Apeldoorn Pallets

Pallet company

Martin Boezaart helped his father to collect broken pallets for making firewood. What a pity, you can also repair and sell them, he thought. So, at the age of 23 Martin set up his Apeldoorn Palletbedrijf in 1987. Now more than 30 years later, it has become a major player on the Dutch pallet market. On an annual basis, several hundreds of thousands of pallets are recycled and the same number is sold new.

Recycling broken pallets is the core business. The knife cuts on both sides. Companies no longer have to dispose of broken pallets as waste and at the same time they receive usable pallets. Martin: “A pallet can be used easily for 30 years and repaired up to an average of seven times. Companies choose CSR for our pallets, but more often the 10% lower price is decisive. Another important argument is our delivery reliability. You do not want to be left without pallets as a company, because then everything falls silent.”

The company has its own workshop in Apeldoorn and a storage area of 16,000 m2. Here, on average, 120,000 pallets can be stored, so that they can always and quickly deliver to customers. The ten employees make new pallets or formworks made of waste wood and broken pallets. Attached edges can also be mounted or pallets and boxes can be made partly of plastic. Smaller wood parts are crushed and reused in playgrounds, 100% is recycled.

Export growth: “We have 250 to 280 customers that we serve every week and around 400 where we collect and deliver once a quarter. About 20% of the turnover comes from abroad. This is mainly caused by Dutch customers who are active abroad. New contacts came through these companies. For example, we now have 20 large customers in Germany and this number is still growing. Our customers are our best sellers. We hardly do anything about acquisition. Almost all customers of the first hour still do business with us, we are proud of that.”

For the future, Martin expects the annual growth of 10 to 15% to continue. The turnover share from abroad is expected to become more important.

Export Countries

Germany | Belgium | France | United Kingdom | Spain


Apeldoorn Pallets | Cynthia Boezaart | Martin Boezaart