Promote animal welfare


Promote animal welfare

BEFORAN stands for ‘Better for Animals’. The agricultural sector is currently going through the most critical transition phase in the past 50 years. Whereas earlier company goals were focused on rational product growth and cost reduction, the cattle industry is now primarily focused on increasing animal welfare, cutting back on medicine use and reducing their environmental impact.

In light of these developments, Harry Puplichuizen and Jeroen Boerkamp, both with a background in agriculture, decided that they wanted to contribute to this transition.

Areas of focus

Beforan’s focus lies in the dairy sector, particularly on the health of hooves, udders and calves.

Reduced dairy production among cows is due primarily to hoof disorders (Mortellaro’s disease) and udder inflammation (mastitis). In calves, diarrhoea is still the most common cause of death. Focusing on these three areas leads to more sustainable dairy farming. Healthier hooves lead to a longer lifespan for the cows and a higher yield per cow; the same applies to healthy udders.

Lower calf mortality rates

Lower calf mortality rates mean that fewer young cattle need to be raised to replenish the dairy herd. The result is fewer cows with better yields, which is beneficial to both the farmer and the environment.

Until recently, the most commonly used treatments were antibiotics and formaldehyde.

Beforan offers alternative additive substances to increase the immune response of cows and calves against bacteria, viruses, and parasites. This approach has proven to be successful!

In a world where consumers pay more attention to where their food comes from, coupled with an increasing focus on animal welfare and the environment, new challenges and tremendous opportunities await the cattle farming industry! Beforan wants to be part of the solution.


Healthy Hooves products are not salt-based; they are based on acids with natural organic additives. Moreover, the product doesn’t contain formaldehyde, a hazardous substance for people, animals and the environment. Their other products are also based on pure, natural ingredients and are better for people, animals and the environment.


Beforan is currently active in Belgium, north-western Germany and Luxembourg and will continue to expand its field of activity in the future.

Export Countries

Benelux | Germany


BEFORAN | Harry Puplichuizen en Jeroen Boerkamp