Architects & Engineers
Architects & Engineers
At Bessels Architects & Engineers from Twello, they know like no other: a business can easily outgrow the building it’s located in. But that doesn’t have to be the case, Mandy Doeve, architect and partner in the firm explains: ‘Our strength lies in creating future-proof designs. We are constantly searching for the answer to the question: what will your business look like 10 years from now?’
Buildings as the foundation for the business
Bessels Architects & Engineers is a firm that works together with clients from the very first initiative phase. ‘It’s incredibly important to get involved as early as possible when planning a new build or expansion. The earlier we have our seat at the table, the better we are able to help the client meet their needs,’ Doeve says. ‘We think differently. Where most businesses are focused on dealing with the current problem, we anticipate the future.’
‘As early as the plan development phase, we take a close look at the client’s wishes and requirements. How does the process work, and how do we keep the process clear and the lines short? What is the client’s vision for the future and what do they want to say with their building? Together with the client, we work out the most ideal lay-out for the business.’
During the first phase, we recreate the lay-out using coloured polystyrene blocks. By moving these blocks around, we can help the customer gain insight into the possibilities and potential bottlenecks. The final lay-out is rendered using 3-D modelling and 3-D animated film. Doeve: ‘This gives our clients plenty of insight. They can walk through their building while it’s still being designed.’
Besides architecture, Bessels also supplies the construction details, technical drawings, and 3D models, as well as supervision and management during construction. Doeve: ‘We can take care of the entire process from A to Z, if needed. We take everything out of our client’s hands. That’s how we distinguish ourselves from other firms.’
Sustainable ‘It is important for a business to remain interesting to potential future clients. A sustainable building is part of that,’ Doeve says. Sustainability is therefore an integral part of Bessels’ projects. Many buildings are delivered with a BREEAM label, and the first circularly designed projects are also ready to be implemented.
Complex puzzle The client is not the only party to have their say. During the development process, local government requirements and regulations and the client’s wishes need to match up. This is often a large and complex challenge, one the architects and engineers at Bessels are gladly willing to meet. Doeve: ‘We have a good team. We always get the job done.’