Energy Consultancy
Energy Consultancy
CCS Energie-advies (Energy advice) was founded by René Cornelissen in 1997. It initiates and gives advice for projects in the field of heat, biogas and combined heat and power production. Their goal is to realise profitable energy solutions with a new approach with a focus on small-scaled techniques. CS offers complete solutions for energy issues, from requesting quotations and grants to building support, management and follow-up care. CCS has fifteen employees.
Agricultural knowledge There is much knowledge about the agricultural sector at CCS. CCS works on biogas installations at farms. Thus far, merely fermenting manure was not profitable, but it is profitable with new regulations and a new generation of fermenters. One of CCS’s projects is a collaboration with eight farmers in this region, each with their own manure fermenter, who will be able to generate around one million m3 of biogas with the help of a biogas hub (a collective biogas pipe), that will replace natural gas. Chemical company Byk Cera is the end customer of the produced biogas.
For farmers for whom a biogas hub is not an option, CCS has developed the Bio-Up. At farm level, biogas from manure is upgraded to green gas. This is a unique development. The first installation in the Netherlands has already been working for 5 years, and we are working hard on its implementation in the Netherlands as well as abroad.
Project Ghana In Ghana, CCS is setting up a project to collect gasses that are released at landfills and to turn that into energy. René Cornelissen: “Now, the biogasses from the landfill go into the atmosphere and that is a waste and also harmful. With a relatively simple solution, we can collect it and use it to generate energy. This will be used to provide nearby beer brewery Guinness with 60% of all necessary energy. This is also a very stable energy supply in a country where that is not usually the case and where energy is expensive.”
Biogas abroad CCS expects last years’ growth to continue in the future. In addition to growth in the Netherlands, expansion abroad is on the agenda. In addition to Africa, with a focus on Ghana, the goal is to export the Bio-Up to countries such as Italy and France. “The prices for natural gas are high in both countries, and with our product Bio-Up (green gas that replaces natural gas) we are an interesting party.”