Technology in Foods


Technology in Foods


GEA is a company listed in Germany, with over 17,000 employees in 350 locations worldwide. Around 1,300 people work in the Netherlands. GEA Deventer has over 100 employees. GEA is one of the largest suppliers of process technology for the food industry and a number of related sectors worldwide. Worldwide, an annual turnover of over 4.7 billion euro is realised. GEA Deventer contributes to this with around 50 million euros.

Strong in the food segment

The market is served by seven company units: Dairy, Food, Beverages, Pharma, Chemical, Marine and Utilities. In all sectors, GEA has a strong top three position. The food segment has the largest market share. Sales leader Solution Sales Netherlands and co-responsible person of the location in Deventer, Arco Hamelink: “For over 70% of all food products that are in the supermarkets, GEA delivers production processes. Worldwide, no less than 50% of the total production of beer is realised with GEA technology.”

Expert in dairy

Within the food segment, Dairy is a special segment. The Netherlands belongs to the top class of the world. In the Deventer location, an above-average amount of expertise and knowhow is present in-house, in addition to Liquid Food and Beverages. The dairy knowledge is, for example, applies in the development and construction of two large new dairy factories in Borculo and Gorinchem.

GEA Deventer is also regularly involved abroad, such as recently, with the construction of a large ice cream factory in Germany and with a large food processing factory in Belgium. GEA Deventer’s employees mostly work on engineering projects in the Netherlands and Northern and Western Europe. Sometimes, there are expectations. At the moment, the company is involved with a project in Japan. Hamelink expects the average growth of 5% of recent years to continue. All company units show a steady growth.

Top position

By focussing on very flexible customer solutions, process guarantees, extended digitalisation and offering predictive maintenance, GEA stands out compared to competitors on the market. For every segment, innovation teams are continuously working on developing the range in close collaboration with customers. Hamelink: “We are in the top three of the market in all market segments we are active in. GEA strives to reach the number one position everywhere. All GEA’s employees are working on this every day.”


Export Countries

GEA Group | Worldwide

GEA Deventer | Northern and Western Europe



GEA | Arco Hamelink