Het Theaterschip
The Theaterschip provides makers of theatre shows, including musical theatre, drama, dance and choreographies, that support young people in the creative and cultural fields, with a stage. A production house for talent development of young people aged 10 to 21. The Theaterschip realises productions with young people and new makers. These are performed in their own theatre or on a tour in schools, theatres and festival in the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium.
Life time experience
With the support of Erik-Jan Post and his team, the Theaterschip has realised special educational and autonomous shows. Their goal is to teach how to think creatively and critically. The starting point is always people. Starting a dialogue with each other, so a ‘life time experience’ that young people will benefit from is created.
In a flexible and creative way, the Theaterschip has acquired its place in the cultural world in recent years. Economically, they have grown. The first years of the Theaterschip’s existence were supported with grants. With a team of 3 FTE and project based employees, they can realise many shows and support festivals. It is expected that the growth will continue and the sales will increase by 10% every year.
Connect Europe
In collaboration with Amateo and Platform Theater, the Theaterschip organised ‘Connect’ in 2018. A four-day conference with workshops for which cultural Europe travelled to Deventer to share knowledge and developments in the field of theatre. Within Europe, there are enormous differences in the creative field. Countries with enough or no financial means, countries with beautiful, no or hidden theatres, countries with and without programs and no opportunities to connect with young people.
For European theatres, the Theaterschip’s vision and craftsmanship is an example because they motivate young people and the company’s results are positive. A blueprint that European theatres want to copy and implement.
Play, dance and watch with the makers!
With Erik-Jan Post’s vision for The Theaterschip, its high quality, cultural diversity and connection with young people, they have laid the foundation to share knowledge within Europe. Always distinctive with a varied program. And during the next three years, they will focus on further developing their production house.