Jacqueline Klappe

Training office

Jacqueline has hospitality in her genes. Brought up in a family which ran its own hotel and restaurant, she learned all about it from a young age.

Jacqueline began her career in the perfume industry and worked for a long time at Chanel. She moved to become a trainer for the Austrian firm Swarovski, a market leader in crystal and fashion jewellery, where she built up considerable experience in sales and training at home and abroad. At the end of 2018 Jacqueline decided to market her talents as an entrepreneur and set up a retail training agency under her own name.

Jacqueline can assess a situation from the viewpoint of consumer and salesperson alike. In a store she can quickly spot both the problems and the positive points. She is a convincing salesperson and knows exactly how to pass this on to people on the shop floor. References confirm that after she visits a store, sales revenue invariably shoots up.

With Jacqueline Klappe you are at the right address, whatever products you sell, to learn how to turn a browser into a buyer, sell more items per client and sell higher priced items. Besides training on the job, Jacqueline compiles training programmes for retail companies. Thanks to her international network from her time with Swarovski, many of her commissions come from abroad.


Although she finds it interesting to work abroad, Jacqueline’s focus is very much in The Netherlands: “ There is still a lot of work to do here. When I go shopping I notice things in almost every store that could be improved on to increase revenue. I have set down many of these suggestions in a white paper that can be downloaded free from my website”.

Lease that designer handbag

A new business initiative she is launching involves leasing designer handbags and jewellery. As a confessed ‘handbag freak’ Jacqueline herself has built up a large collection of designer handbags and jewellery from top fashion brands. It seems a waste if most of them sit unused in a cupboard. Soon, via an online store, customers will be able to select from a wide range of designer handbags and sign up for short- or long-term lease.

Export Countries

Italy | Switzerland | Sweden | Belgium | Luxembourg | United Kingdom | France


Jacqueline Klappe | Jacqueline Klappe