Graphic Designer | Cartographer

Jean Klare

Graphic Designer | Cartographer

Graphic designer, cartographer, visual artist, three crafts that are united in one person, Jean Klare. Gifted speaker, analyst and creator of the ‘Atlas of world views’. What once started as a joke as a business gift for a company in 1999, has become a book that has travelled all over the world. Translated into 20 languages and half a million copies sold. With the resources that have become available in the field of cartography after 2011, the publication has been improved. The next reprint was expected late 2017.

Visual architecture
Jean Klare uses his talents as a graphic designer and retailer to trick the viewer. His maps can be interpreted in hilarious ways. A clear vision is at the basis of all of his designs. His expertise was noticed and the interior architects Groen+Schild have invited him to apply his cartographic descriptions to interior designs.
A change in a work environment that makes the user think and makes him/her perform his/her work activities visibly or invisibly, because of a landscape that fits the organisation that is shown on glass walls. Images that are timeless, that show the vision for the future and that make the user of the room feel comfortable.

One of his latest interior design projects is an iconic map for the Water Board Drents Overijsselse Delta. The water boards have merged and have moved into an office in Zwolle. A co-creation of employees of the Water Board, interior design architects and Jean to create an image that will be included in the space and also shows the connection to what the water board means to people. Creating a picture of the changes of the water for people and the earth.

Designing with a vision
Jean analyses and knows how to use cartography for any work environment or other environment in a clear way. Graphic design also means looking at the future with an open mind and that is how Jean designs folio productions for several clients. Klare, thinking out of the box, creates designs that are appreciated anywhere.
He can adapt the process he goes through for his designs to the demand of his customers.
Being original and embracing changes, so he can support his customers and they will be ready for the future.

Export Countries

Europe | Asia | America


Jean Klare | Jean Klare