Law Firm
JPR Advocaten
Law Firm
JPR Advocaten is a unique, professional full service law firm, with two offices, in Deventer and Doetinchem. In Zutphen, there is a visitors location, so clients can discuss matters with their lawyer on appointment. In the full service law firm JPR, everyone has her/his own specialty within Corporate law, Real estate law, Labour law, Liability and Insurance law, Family law and International law.
JPR, a beautiful company, for which Pascal Hulsegge will work as a lawyer and as director of the board for the next three years. A woman who is a lawyer in heart and soul. “A beautiful job and new opportunities every day that I learn from every day.” Pascal, who wants to collaborate with and within the industry. A networker full of enthusiasm who lives for and with people.
Collaborating is complimenting each other Collaborating happens of course within the offices in the Netherlands, but also with law firm Alpmann Fröhlich Rechtsanwälte in Munster. This German law and notary firm has a similar size and mentality as JPR. Because of this collaboration, cross-border matters can be treated in a proper way. For example, a labour conflict that involves the employee living in Germany and working in the Netherlands, but also for mergers and acquisitions. This association has led to growth and a duplication of the turnover abroad. The improving economy has caused a growth of the law firm’s turnover. Companies tend to consult a lawyer for advice for their company quicker than before.
International network At international level, they collaborate with the International Practice Group (IPG). IPG brings 110 law firms from all over the world together to offer their international clients a worldwide covering legal network. A good example of this is a Dutch client of JPR who supplies customers in the automotive industry worldwide. JPR has asked for advice about the specific application problems of the patent of the client in particularly Asian countries via the network, and has presented this to the client as a practical advice. The client has also been brought into contact with an American lawyer. This lawyer has founded an office in the US for our client (founding legal person, labour agreement personnel et cetera). Later, the same client has led procedures in Spain and Italy, supported by law firms in the IPG network.