Pharmaceuticals for farm animals


Pharmaceuticals for farm animals

Kepro is a company that exports drugs for farm animals worldwide, in particular to poultry/livestock farmers. Worldwide, thousands of farmers use Kepro products to care for, protect and strengthen their livestock every day. Contacts with new distributors are mainly established on exhibitions. The company is active in 81 countries. The growth of recent years has also lead to a new organisational structure. Wim Kieftenbeld, with extensive experience in the pharmaceutical sector and other sectors, has been the managing director since 2016.

‘Total farm management’
The ‘Total farm management’ concept goes further than just the delivery of products to livestock farms. It is all about producing in a healthy and sustainable way. Both farmers and local economies will benefit from this, especially in the long-term. “Kepro is very active at farms together with its vets and organises several workshops and seminars for local vets and livestock farmers. The impact of bad and excessive use of antibiotics, for example, is discussed as well, for both livestock and consumers after meat consumption. By now, many companies in Africa are raising 50,000 chicks for consumption, and there are stables in Pakistan with over 4,500 dairy cows,” says Kieftenbeld.

The Kepro Academy
All their expertise has led to the founding of a Kepro Academy in 2018. Complete plans for poultry livestock farms (laying hens and broiler chickens) have been set up. These are pragmatically organised, and some parts have been written in collaboration with the Health Service for Animals. Important topics are: the design of the stables, the quality of the feed and the water supply, the right ventilation, illnesses and use of medication. These are topics with which Kepro is able to create awareness amongst farmers, so after the use of antibiotics, the waiting period will be respected and the eggs will not be consumed or sold in a nearby village before the waiting period is over, for example. When vets and the academy transfer their knowledge, the farmers will really start seeing the difference. By doing so, Kepro is making a huge step in the right direction together with its experts.
Sustainable development and seeing to it that the knowledge is transferred and shared. By offering trainings and service, the change in order to achieve ‘Total farm management’ has been initiated.

Export Countries



Kepro | Wim Kieftenbeld