Sound Forge
Sound Forge
Everything has sound, rhythm, movement.
Carla Thierry develops and creates sound art, sound installations and sounding products in the Klareson sound forge, her workplace since 2007.
With her creations, she subtly gives attention to the healing power that sound, rhythm and movement have in our lives. The artisanal editing and the individual tuning of sounds make every creation unique. Everything is about natural pure sounds.
The products find their way to users through her network, experience concerts or art markets.
Healthy development, freedom and autonomy
For decades Carla used to work as a physiotherapist. Stimulating movement development, health and the ability for self-repair were at the core of her offer.
After finding out about the company concept of Beyuna, she saw possibilities to further contribute in this way to health, wellbeing and the financial wellbeing of herself and of others. Beyuna, the first Dutch network marketing firm is a fast growing young company in the wellness and health sector.
Since 2014, she has been an independent distributor, and as a happy user of the products, she is increasing awareness of this company concept domestically and abroad.
Carla: “ The nice thing is that I have something to offer to people. High standard products with an honest earnings model. What more to ask for? Working together with co-workers of your choice. Everyone is independent and responsible for himself or herself. We share knowledge, we grow and we develop ourselves, and we earn money with each other. Like this, we look after the wellbeing and health of ourselves as entrepreneurs, self-employed persons or individuals.” Working with a group of people who all have a different background is very enriching. My world has grown since then. This is business in its finest form! Carla is always looking for nice, enthusiastic colleagues. Particularly today, when people are looking for an income and are worrying about their pensions, this offers a unique opportunity.
Carla sees international market opportunities
She wants to expand with her sounding and vital products to Germany, Switzerland and Ireland with both companies. There, she is experiencing inspiring notions about health and music.