Electro Technical Bureau

Mulder Connect

Electro Technical Bureau

In 1925, Bart Mulder founded Electro Technical Bureau A.M Mulder. He saw what important role electricity would play in society and made it his work. The second generation Mulder added Fire Notifications as a business activity. The third generation Pieter Mulder, in collaboration with IT specialist Fred Brouwer, expanded the Mulder Connect section. All together, Mulder Systems has 65 employees in the electrical engineering, security, sustainable, corporate telecommunication, data infrastructure and IT sectors.

Mulder Connect Sports This is the youngest business unit and at the same time also the most international. An existing software package with which cows in a field could be followed was converted into a product that enables to follow (top) athletes on a playing field: Inmotio. It measures the ZXY position and heart rate of the athletes in combination with speed and meters traveled. The system can also follow the ball in the game and imitate fields of view of players. This combined yields a wealth of data that is very interesting for doctors and coaches.

On a national level, Mulder Connect Sports can already count renowned sports organizations to its customers. Without being complete we can name Ajax, Feyenoord, PSV, KNVB and NOC * NSF. The special product of Mulder has also been noticed abroad. Clubs such as AC Milan, Bayern, Munich, Manchester United, FC Basel, Everton and Brondby Copenhagen also make use of this. A special project was to completely design the Aspire national sports center in Qatar with Inmotio.

Designing (football) stadiums. In a joint venture with the company Game On, a special camera projection product has been developed. Without cameras above the field (in many stadiums prohibited) projection can be realized from above. Competitions and training can be evaluated so effectively, especially in combination with Inmotio. Director Fred Brouwer: “We have equipped the training complexes of Everton and the KNVB with them and more will follow.

Fred indicates that the project is technically on the top: “Our competition is not as far yet. This gives us a head start, which we are now further expanding. We expect a lot from our camera project in the near future, there are great opportunities abroad.



Export countries

Germany | Denmark | Switzerland | Austria | United Kingdom | Italy | Qatar


Mulder Connect | Fred Brouwer