Advice on export
Advice on export
New Business Development Associates’ (NBDA) core business is advising companies on export and international entrepreneurship. Director Erik de Boer had always worked in paid employment in marketing and export jobs. Since 2006, he has been using the knowledge and experience he acquired as an independent entrepreneur to help companies to start and grow their export. In addition to a location in Diepenveen, NBDA also has a location in Singapore with six employees.
Grant Starters International Business (SIB)
This is a very attractive grant scheme for SMEs. They can use it to start focussing on export opportunities free of charge. They could also increase sales if no more than 25% of all sales is export. Erik: “The SIB scheme is a coaching and preparation process for SMEs that leads to an international approach in three steps. The National Entrepreneurial Netherlands (NEN) provides these grants and has appointed NBDA as executive party. In examining opportunities and risks abroad, questions arise such as: What is your business good at? What do you want to achieve? Which countries offer opportunities? How attractive are the selected countries, and what is the right entry strategy to be able to achieve your goals in the selected country?” A large number of companies in Deventer have already used NBDA’s services. Erik: “There are already 30 of them and the number keeps increasing. It mainly started with requests to apply for the SIB, and companies often hire me afterwards to support them in the implementation. Every trajectory is unique and it gives me fulfilment to help companies grow abroad.” In 2015, Erik went on a mission to China with an ICT company in Deventer. The result were increased sales in China with potentially further growth.
Export coordinator at SME Deventer
Since 2017, Erik has been Export Coordinator at association of undertakings MKB (SME) Deventer. Erik is a sounding board for the organisation of export activities for its members. Thanks to Erik’s enthusiasm and drive, he does more than just thinking up ideas. Erik has built business relationships with several German Hanseatic cities to start a project for mutual matchmaking with entrepreneurs from Deventer. Furthermore, he went on a business trip to Sibiu in Romania, where trade opportunities have been spotted and agreements have been made in order to realise those goals.