AMBER Alerts
AMBER Alerts
One2Many was established in 2007 as a spin-off from LogicaCMG. Since then, the business has grown into the world market leader in wireless broadcast systems. This system enables government agencies to warn people in areas of high risk for situations which may seriously endanger lives, the public health, or property by sending emergency alerts.
The well-known Dutch NL-Alert project was developed by One2Money and is still considered a worldwide best practice project in the field of wireless broadcast systems. This is the reason why One2Many is involved with almost every mobile citizen alert project in the world.
Director Maarten Mes: ‘We sell out technology and services to governments (the Public Warning Portal) and the world’s large mobile telecommunications providers. We do this from our main office at ‘Pakhuis Ten Hove’ in Deventer and our international offices. We work both directly with our customers and through partners with a global network (such as Ericsson and Cisco).
In 2017, One2Many carried out a unique project in New Zealand. Under the guidance of the national government, all three telecommunications companies linked the One2Many cell broadcast system to the Public Warning Portal, which was also developed by One2Many. This means that today, the entire population of New Zealand will receive alerts on their mobile via the One2Many system, irrespective of which provider they use.
Through the hosted Public Warning Portal service, emergency services can create, send and maintain alerts. It can also generate automatic alerts, enabling the immediate sending of messages after or even before tidal waves or earthquakes take place. The open-system architecture allows additional channels to be added to the system such as social media, TV and radio without having to make significant changes to the system.
Another notable project is T-Mobile USA. Via the One2Many system, more than 80 million Americans can be reached with just the press of a button. This is the largest project to date in terms of range. But this may change in the near future. One2Many is conducting talks at the highest level with various governments, for example with the Chinese government and their Chinese partners about launching the system in China. The implementation of the cell broadcast technology is already part of the government’s five-year plan. A promising sign is that the first paid trial in early 2019 was won by Guangdong Mobile, the largest mobile operator in China.
Export expectations
One2Many expects to accelerate its recent growth with more new countries per year in the years ahead. Europe, for example, is making it mandatory for all 26 member states to have a citizen alert system in place by 2022. The business is also working on new applications and new technologies. One2Many is leading in developing new and upcoming technologies, such as multimedia broadcasting with 4G and 5G mobile networks, allowing for highly efficient HD video streaming to millions of viewers in stadiums or at music festivals.