

Paration maps out data for organisations to stimulate development and innovation with the help of innovative online applications. Treading data safely and confidentially has a high priority. The company is growing fast, was founded in 2003 and has 25 employees.

Life Source

Parantion does not call themselves an IT company, although they develop software. This is not their core business, just like automatization is not their core business. Good data is necessary to be able to take the right decisions. Data will be one of our most important sources in the future. Similar to how we have to be economical with our water and the environment, we should also be economical with our data, details and privacy.

Medical E-platform

Parantion makes several different apps. Apps to fill out questionnaires safely (Easion), to support children in primary and secondary school (Groeidocument (Growth document)) and Scorion. Scorion is a unique online platform that provides you with insight into your own developments or your students’ and employees’ developments. “The use of Scorion really leads to better doctors…” a director of a hospital recently said. The platform has different modules in which you decide what is important for you or your organisation. Clear dashboards create an accurate and up to date insight into what people can actually do. Parantion is market leader in the Netherlands in medical trainings with Scorion. Every Academic Medical Centre in the Netherlands works with Scorion. In addition to the medical world, many educational institutions and other (semi) governmental organisations use Parantion’s products and services.

Parantion goes China

In China, there is a lot of interest in improving the quality of medical training. Many medical experts are sent abroad to be trained, and this is not happening fast enough. China therefore invests a lot in good education. In close collaboration with the Dentistry studies of the Radboud University, Parantion will start a pilot with the University of Stomatology in Guangzhou to introduce Scorion.

Growth Opportunities

Director Roel Smabers expects the recent past growth will continue during the coming years. “Educational programs tell each other that Scorion works well and provides much insight. We therefore receive new requests every week.” In addition, we expect to intensively collaborate in China and we have started a market research for opportunities on the German educational market, and interest has been shown in Finland.

Export Countries

Germany | China | Australia


Parantion | Roel Smabers