Product Developer
Pi Development
Product Developer
Product development with a really sustainable character.
An E-bike with which you can ride at almost 100 km/h, which is already on the market. Pi Development developed the powertrain for it. Pi Development is –among others- at home in the E-bike market and has carried out development projects for various brands, including for Gazelle. Besides mobility, the company, established in 2007, is also active in heating, cooling and ventilation. Pi Development now operates increasingly strongly also in sustainability and sustainable energy.
The company is intensively involved with her clients from the idea until the realisation. They devise and design the product, develop it, build a prototype and test it, and –if necessary- also prepare production. And with regard to sustainability, the company is focussing more and more on the development of a ‘second life’ for existing products: simple reuse of materials, sustainable production techniques and energy efficiency.
Pi Development expects growth in the coming years, both with regard to its whole turnover and abroad. Eight full-time equivalent employees work now at the company but the expectation is that the number of FTEs will grow to between 12 and 15. The turnover will correspondingly increase and surely also abroad. While 95% of Pi Development’s work is now for the Dutch market, the company will grow in the coming years primarily in the neighbouring countries of Belgium and Germany through its choice in favour of the circular economy and the international market. The ratio between the Dutch and the international market is thus expected to change in a few years to 70% for Dutch clients and 30% for foreign.