Health care in The Netherlands is in a state of flux, It is a complex field which has care providers, health organisations, health insurance companies, the government and patient groups clambering over each other to say how things should be done. The credo: care should be better, affordable and transparent. This is necessary with almost 100 billion euros annually spent on health care, a figure that is rising sharply year-on-year.
Dutch market leader
In this complex tangle, Qualizorg is striving to ensure the quality of health care is guaranteed from the patient perspective. Qualizorg began in 2010 and in little over a decade has grown into an accredited agency serving more than 9,500, mostly primary health care organisations, professional groups and partnerships. Each year Qualizorg distributes some three million validated surveys to patients in The Netherlands on behalf of its affiliated health organisations. The questions relate to quality indicators that are measurable: has the patient been listened to, was advice clear and, importantly, was the advice effective? The responses (average 45%!) are processed, analysed and opened in a clear dashboard.
Benchmarking each other
The dashboard allows the health care organisations to compare their own performance in real time with other organisations. Where are things going well, where less so and what can be done to improve things? Qualizorg’s dashboard provides answers from the patients’ perspective.
Closer to the patient
Qualizorg currently serves health care providers but ultimately it is there for the patient. America operates under the Triple Aim principle; this cuts through the axis of health care to find out what is important for the patient, by combining outcome indicators, financial indicators and experience indicators.
Growth as organization
Growth in the past few years has been solid and this trend is continuing. Market leadership in primary care has already been achieved and more and more patients from the secondary health care sector are coming on board. Foreign markets also beckon. Dutch health care has a high reputation internationally and many organisations overseas want to learn from The Netherlands how to provide a high level of health care which is affordable. Together with a German partner, Qualizorg is now taking first steps in the German market.