Producer of heating solutions
Producer of heating solutions
Once, in the thirties, started as a bike repair shop, this company developed into a global player, situated in Apeldoorn. We are talking about Remeha, which in the Netherlands is mainly known for its boilers. It started as a family business, Van Reekum Metaal Handel, besides all forms of heating and warm water solutions, also produces heat pumps and hybrid solutions. The company was able to grow into a world player ‘BDR Thermea Group’ located in 80 countries, by two big acquisitions, the French De Dietrich Thermique and the English Baxi Group.
Remeha: from bicycle maker to global player
6.500 people worldwide work for BDR Thermea Group. Together they produce a revenue of 1,7 billion euros. The main office is in Apeldoorn. Remeha is one of the big brands carried by BDR Thermea. The company produces for 3 markets: utilities, projects (mainly housing associations) and individuals.
The Dutch market for boilers is worth 400.000 pieces per year. Remeha is the biggest player for individual and the utility market in the Netherlands. 50% of production in Apeldoorn is meant for the Dutch market and 50% for export (such as Germany, Italy, UK and China) Only one thing is important for the company: the client experience.
BDR Thermea Group is a global player, that’s why it is important to have a balanced modern product portfolio for both the Dutch market as the export market. Innovation and socially responsible entrepreneurship is a core property for Remeha.
Remeha finds itself in an interesting phase: energy transition. The turning point from use of fossil fuels to sustainable energy. Remeha is well prepared for this change, because they can market their products in many more countries besides the Netherlands. Hybrid systems and electricity play a much larger role in those countries, we are talking about a ‘multi-fuel’ market. The Netherlands is quite unique with its strong focus on gas. Still, Arthur van Schayk is not expecting the vanishing of the gas powered boilers, “because existing infrastructure can be used to transport clean gas from wind, solar or biomass. Also other applications like heat pumps and hybrid systems will be an increasingly important part of the Dutch assortment.”