Chemical Packaging
RPC Promens
Chemical Packaging
Promens Deventer bv is part of RPC Group, worldwide player in the development and manufacturing of plastic products. Promens Deventer bv was founded in 1966 and has 85 employees.
VARIBOX® is the brand with which Promens Deventer bv wants to present itself on the market as specialist in chemical packaging that makes the transport, storage and dosing of chemicals safer.
“The company was one of the first to start producing plastic products with the help of rotational moulding. In addition to the Varibox program, customer-specific products are also being developed, such as agricultural tanks, luggage compartments for airports and wind turbine parts,” new business manager Kobus Bruins says.
In recent years, the product portfolio at their location in Deventer has developed further, based on strategic choices. At the moment, specific plastic packaging is being developed and produced for the chemical sector: the VARIBOX® program is unique!
The distribution of the chemical containers of 800 to 1000 litres, under brand VARIBOX® used to only take place in Europe. With a growth of 30% during recent years, shipments are now also being delivered to countries outside Europe. What is a VARIBOX®? A recyclable polyethylene container with double walls. The containers can be equipped with a suction tube with quick coupling and emptying notification system. For the user, working with chemical products has become easier and safer with the VARIBOX®. An RFID tag (Radio Frequency Identification) is optional, so the container can be traced during transport.
Promens Deventer bv has its own production development department that designs chemical containers. Production also takes place at the location in Deventer. The chemical containers comply with all rules and requirements that are laid down in the UN-ADR-directive. Before a new product is launched onto the market, it has been subjected to an extensive testing program. This enables users to transport and store chemical products in a safe and sensible manner.

Export Countries
Belgium | Denmark | Germany | Finland | France | Norway | Austria | Poland | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland |
Australia | India | Indonesia | Japan | The United States | South Korea