Produces moisture resistant packaging
Smart Packaging Solutions
Produces moisture resistant packaging
From old paper to solid cardboard
Fish, meat, but also flowers and fruit usually are damp while being packaged. That’s why the boxes for packaging need to be highly resistant of moist, or else they will fall apart. Solid cardboard or ‘solid board’ is the best and most durable solution. Smart Packaging Solutions in Loenen produces this type of packaging from raw materials to end product.
Smart Packaging Solutions, SolidPack until recently. The company transfered to Flamish hands in 2017, it had Dutch owners before that, of which the current CEO Dirk Schut. Production of cardboard started at the current location in 1921. At this time a modern full continuity production of cardboard is still realized by over 170 employees.
The raw materials for massive cardboard packaging is old paper, which is mainly sourced regionally. “Unfortunately”, exclaims Schut, “the old paper we collect can’t be used directly because lots of materials that don’t belong there gets stuck between, such as rocks, sand and plastics. We need to separate these first before we can process the old paper into cardboard. Next we process it to a tailor-made packaging, including printing, which we supply straight to the packager or filler. This means we deliver business-to-business.”
Smart Packaging Solutions focusses mainly at the food industry and more than half of the total revenue comes from abroad. This consists partly of Scandinavia, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Ireland, but also North and South-America.
Schut proudly looks back at the export to Chile. The company supplies boxes for fish packaging. They developed this market together with a Scandinavian company which builds packaging lines for fish. Smart Packaging Solutions’ boxes turn out to be great for processing at high speed on these machines. That way Chile, but also other South- and North American countries became export countries. For the future, according to Schut, we will focus on further growth in export besides the Netherlands.