Trouw Nutrition

Pet Food

Trouw Nutrition Benelux – Sloten is specialised in the development, production and worldwide sales of quality feed for young animals. The production of animal feeds takes place in two factories, one factor in Sloten (Frisia) and the location in Deventer, where end products Sprayfo, Spraymes and Nuklospray are made and the office is situated.

The company is active in over 60 countries with its milk powder products produced for young animals. Steffen Rouwers (Manager, Young Animal Feed Ruminants) is now worldwide responsible for the calf milk of Trouw Nutrition. “Because of scientific research of recent years within the project “LifeStart sets Life Performance”, the products have been developed further, and we can deliver a high quality and sustainable product to our customers,” says Steffen Rouwers.

When raising calves, the first eight weeks of the young animal are essential. A good start is decisive for a good development. This contributes to a sustainable dairy livestock. A well-balanced diet of high quality food is important for this. With good feeding in the first eight weeks, the first milk production could produce up to 1000 litres of extra milk. Profit guaranteed as dairy farmer!

Pigs (sows) cannot always provide all piglets with the necessary feed. For this purpose, the product Milkiwean Yoghurt has been developed, which provides additional feed during the first two weeks. A little extra! Piglets are vital and achieve a healthy weight sooner, to eventually be traded as pig.

Production in two factories
Sprayfo is a high quality milk powder product, made of natural materials. In the factory in Frisia, dairy is mixed with fluid fats that are then pasteurised and homogenised. The product is sprayed dry to a milk-fat core. These are small vet balls, wrapped in milk protein for the young animal. This way of processing creates a maximum solubility and fat digestibility. The semi-finished product is stored in large silos and then transported to Deventer. In the factory in Deventer, other dairy materials, vitamins and minerals are added, and eventually the finished end product for calves, piglets, lams, goats and foals is created. “As a big player of animal breeding milk on the worldwide market, you of course would like to expand as well, to enlarge your potential,” says Rouwers. “With the current international position and acquisitions, we keep expanding under Trouw Nutrition’s brand!

Export Countries



Trouw Nutrition | Steffen Rouwers