Vaessen Schoemaker

Food Concepts

Vaessen-Schoemaker BV Deventer is a traditional family business. The company was founded by Hubert Vaessen and his son-in-law Paul Schoemaker in 1946. Innovative as the founders were back in the day by discovering that phosphates have excellent water-bonding qualities in meat products, at the moment they do much research concerning alternative natural ingredients that can be used as replacers of phosphates in meat products.

During Vaessen-Schoemaker’s 70 yearlong existence, innovation has always had a prominent position in the company and has resulted in 70 years of experience, knowledge and technological developments with many successful and proven concepts for the fish, meat, convenience and bakery industry as a result.

At the moment, we are working hard on acquiring a leading position in the field of natural shelf life, bonding and hearty fillings. Director-owner Ad de Haas: “You can realise that ambition, when you as an entrepreneur keep focusing on the core of your business and stick to your vision.” No less than twenty percent of its employees work on product development every day. The company is continuously working on product improvement, optimisation and renewal, especially as co-creator together with its customers. As a company, they highly value open and transparent partnerships with partners in the value chain. Together with customers, new product concepts are being developed. The necessary mixes of functional ingredients needed for these concepts are produced at our production location in Deventer.

Export ambition

In recent years, the annual turnover has increased between 10% to 20%. We strive to double the turnover within 5 years. Our concepts are applicable worldwide, and we notice that, where the wish for value creation arises, there are plenty of opportunities for us.

Export Countries


General Director

Vaessen Schoemaker | Joris Hermans | Coen van Oorschot