Technical wholesaler in the installation industry


Technical wholesaler in the installation industry

Since its founding in 1970, Wasco has grown into a leading technical wholesaler in the building services engineering sector. Wasco was established by Geert and Betty van den Belt. What started out in a shed is now a company with 550 employees and 34 locations across the Netherlands.

The main office is located in Twello, together with one of the company’s two distribution centres. The Twello location is home to 150 employees. The second distribution centre is located in Apeldoorn and focuses on high-bulk materials. 200 employees work there.

Wasco’s highly extensive product range consists of more than 500,000 different items. Everything a building services engineer requires regarding heating, sanitation, air condition, ventilation and parts can be delivered within 24 hours. Their customers come from all over the country, with a few customers from neighbouring border regions. A variety of customers, from self-employed engineers to the largest building services engineering companies in the Netherlands, order their products at Wasco. Wasco is a market leader in many segments of its product range.

In-house training centre

One of Wasco’s key values is knowledge. A lot of product information can be found online, and advice and information are freely given at their pick-up locations or via email, telephone or in-person consults. What makes Wasco unique is that they have their own certified training institute: WasCollege. The institute offers many different nationally recognised certification programmes for building services engineers as well as training for new products. Their courses are very practical based. Figures show that the pass rate for WasCollege participants is 35 to 40% higher than the national average. Each year, more than 600 certificates are awarded to participating engineers that have followed courses there.

Sustainable future

The focus for growth lies in the Netherlands. There is still a lot of ground to be won here. The upcoming energy transition ensures that there is plenty of work to do for the building services engineering industry in the years to come. Wasco wishes to take the lead in that respect – and lead by example. For instance, the new Apeldoorn distribution centre is built according to strict BREEAM sustainable building standards and has received an ‘Excellent’ designation. Just to give an example, the roof alone is fitted with 3,500 solar panels.

Export Countries

Belgium | Germany