Catering industry and Event Concepts

Wensink Events

Catering industry and Event Concepts

Paul Wensink started working in the hospitality sector when he was 15. Having built up a wealth of experience in hospitality, customer-friendly service, catering, planning and teamwork, Paul decided to set up his own business in 2010, hiring out segways. Two years later he branched out with JP Cocktails.

JP Cocktails

There was a large demand for cocktail workshops all over country. The hospitality sector was crying out for catering with cocktails. Paul and his team travelled all over The Netherlands and Belgium to give cocktail workshops. This quickly expanded into hiring out cocktail bars and personnel. Increased demand to broaden their scope and organise whole events led to the setting up of Wensink Events.

Full-service events bureau

Wensink Events is a company that specialises in organising private parties, outings and corporate functions. Time after time it hosts surprising and special events. The four-strong workforce organises about 140 events a year all over The Netherlands and Belgium. They can cater for everyone and everything from party tent hire, cocktail workshops, Segway clinics or virtual reality dinners to company parties for a few hundred staff.


Under the name Barstories, Wensink hires out all sorts of bars for parties, with or without personnel. There is a bar for every occasion, in various sorts and sizes. A LED bar in black or white. A modern, but simple, buffet bar. A wooden pallet bar. Or a luxury bar with a luminous back wall. Everything is possible. In summer, Tauw hires a 0.0 bar serving alcohol-free smoothies for each one of its branches in The Netherlands.

(Company) parties abroad

For firms who want to organise something really special for their workforce, Wensink also organises events overseas. These range from a city trip to London, Barcelona or a Flemish city to a five-day shindig in Ibiza. These are arranged in conjunction with local partners who can suss out unique venues and locations to provide a memorable, magical experience.


Wensink especially likes to work for Belgian clients. Paul: “Belgians want to know first and foremost what we can deliver and are focussed more on quality and details. We want to further expand in Belgium and also plan to explore the German market as we see potential there.

Export Countries



Wensink Events | Paul Wensink