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Modularly built Hospitainer Modularly built hospital Rolof Mulder started his company Hospitainer in 2010 from ideal motives. As a former first-aid helper, he saw that the design of hospitals in developing countries often went wrong. As a...

BAP Medical

Medical solutions for skin BAP Medical Medical solutions for skin problems BAP Medical develops, manufactures and sells medical solutions for skin problems. This applies to post-treatment after irradiation, burns, scarring after deep...


Medical Quirem Medical Technology Quirem Medical is a spin-off of UMC Utrecht and focuses on one of the largest growth markets in medical technology: interventional oncology. This specialty focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of tumours...

Orange Pharma

Pharmaceutical Orange Pharma Pharmaceutical Wholesaler Orange Pharma, which was established in 2013, is the fastest growing international pharmaceutical wholesaler in the Netherlands. Their clients are mostly located in South America, the...

Qualizorg Qualizorg Healthcare Health care in The Netherlands is in a state of flux, It is a complex field which has care providers, health organisations, health insurance companies, the government and patient groups clambering over each other to say...